About Us
Excerpts from the History of Greater Shiloh
In 1908, five Saints of God began what was then called the “Mission”. This “Mission was located in a small three room structure on Gobin Street. Bunge Milling occupies this space today.
On April 27, 1908 this little Mission was organized as an independent Church and became known as “Shiloh Baptist Church”.
In 1910, Shiloh moved into a house located at 529 E. Harrison Street.
In 1911, the first choir was organized. In 1914, the first Missionary Circle, “Lily of the Valley was organized.
In 1924, “Greater” was added to the Church name - thus the name “Greater Shiloh Baptist Church.”
Two occasions still observed in Greater Shiloh are “Women’s Day”, first held in September of 1957, and “Men’s Day” first held in 1958. The “Singing Angels” children’s choir was organized at Greater Shiloh. Greater Shiloh housed Danville’s “First Acceleration Reading Center”, a “Head Start” center and a “Helping Hand” food pantry for the needy. Greater Shiloh adopted a foster child, organized the “Inspirational Choir” and Board of Christian Education, and obtained a life membership in the NAACP.
January 4th, 1981, the present edifice at 609 N. Bowman was purchased from the Second Church of Christ. Lauhoff Grain Company purchased our former church.
In 1981, our “Community Room” was officially named the Iona Derrickson Community Room in memory of Sister Derrickson who was the longest survivor of the five charter members.
In 1983 the “Male Chorus” was organized and the “Inspirational Choir” was reorganized.
On Sunday, May 22, 1983, only two years after relocating, Greater Shiloh was blessed to hold its second mortgage burning ceremony.
The Ministers, Deacons and Trustee wives were organized into an auxiliary of the Church, a President’s Council Auxiliary, a new membership class was started, a new children’s nursery was completed, the Winnie Mandella Missionary Society and Nurses Guild Auxiliary was created, the Willing Worker’s Club was organized, a Church van was purchased, the Monday night Youth classes were restarted, the Youth Church began on the First Sunday morning from 11:00 - 12:00, and members embraced the noonday prayer service.
April 7, 2002, Reverend U. Pete Williams was called as Pastor of Greater Shiloh. Many changes have taken place since he preached his first sermon April 14, 2002. Our invitation to “….Come Go With Us….for We Will Do You Good….”, has been the focus of changing lives through ministry, has reaped a great harvest for the Lord.
Some highlights: A Soul-Seekers new membership class is held every Sunday morning with Pastor Williams. The One Hour Watch, where we are taught by Pastor Williams how to become Disciples and Followers for Christ, attendance has tripled. The choir is now known as the “Sounds of Shiloh”.
Under the leadership of Dr. Williams,a special project to purchase land to provide additional parking was completed, a new roof was installed on the Educational and Administrative wing, a new budget comprising a continuous Five Year Plan was instituted, the sanctuary was completely refurbished, class rooms were refurbished. the implementation of The S.O.M.E. Ministry (Spiritual Outreach Ministry of Evangelism) which coordinates all Family, Friends and Evangelism Outreach.
The Lily of the Valley Missionary Society has been reorganized into "The Woman's Auxiliary" under the leadership of Sister Irene Brooks, it's first President as of January 2009. The Transportation Ministry has been implemented with the purchase of a new van. Greater Shiloh, focusing on developing disciples has implemented a Leadership School to train, educate and equip the saints.
The focus for 2009 is to replace the entire heating and air conditioning system in the Administrative Educational and Sanctuary. We invite all to "Come God With us.....for We Will Do You Good."
2010-2015 will be a concentration of revising the 5 year plan and implementing a Christian Leadership School and introducing a graduated learning system from Pre-school to Adult.
These are some highlights during the 105 years of service rendered by Greater Shiloh.